Here are 6781 photo spots in Germany for you.

Germany is the 7th most visited country in the world, with over 40 million tourists visiting each year. However, it is also home to the world's shortest train ride, lasting only 88 seconds!

latest contributors
RAVEN Klaus L. Nanda Arne Moslåtten Christoph Wolter

Top photo spots in Germany

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States and regions in Germany

Cities in Germany

Waters in Germany

Islands and archipelagos in Germany

Sights in Germany

Tips for your trip within Germany

Best Timing

The best time to travel to Germany depends on what type of experience you are looking for. Generally, the spring and summer months are best for sightseeing and outdoor activities, while the fall and winter months are best for cultural events and Christmas markets. The shoulder season in April and May also offers mild temperatures and smaller crowds.

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