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Argentina Tolar grande

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Travel Information

Via Crucis of Tolar
Spot Type Outdoor
Crowd Factor Nearly no other people
Best Timing Sunrise in spring
Sunrise & Sunset 06:37 - 20:19 | current local time: 14:14
Photo Themes Rock Formations Sand mountains
Locations Salta Tolar grande

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Spot Comments (3)

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Xavier 05.06.2019
do you have more info about this poin of view ?? thx
Marcelo Aguilar
Marcelo Aguilar 05.06.2019
It is practically the same comment as the previous spot. The photographs were taken 20 meters apart. On the edge of the village there are some very old houses, declared historical site. There begins a "via crucis" that reaches the top of a small hill. The photos were taken from this place. You can easily reach on foot from any point of the town (Tolar Grande)
Marcelo Aguilar
Marcelo Aguilar 05.06.2019
If you use the google maps above, in satellite mode, you can see the white dots of the via crucis and the hill where the photo was taken.

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Thank you Marcelo Aguilar for creating this photo spot in Argentina.
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