New Feature: Behind the Scenes

New Feature: Behind the Scenes

Manuel Becker Manuel Becker in Changelog
02.07.2017 · 2 min read
Photo by Manuel Becker

It’s already great to see which photo you could take and at which spot you would have to stand, to get the same view, but planning your trip would be even better, if you could see how the spot itself looks like. This is where our new „Behind the Scenes“-feature comes in.

Based on your feedback, we worked hard to improve the platform even more and implement this enhancement, which is available for everyone since today. We hope, that this will improve planning your photo trips in the future even more, because being able to see the spot itself will help you to…

  • find the exact place
  • get a better feeling for the space you have and how many photographers can stand there simultaneously
  • decide for the right equipment and clothing, to get the best possible shot
  • estimate how safe the area might be
This is how the spot itself in Montenegro from the title photo looks like. There is only space for a max of 2 tripods and you are standing near the edge.

This is how the spot itself in Montenegro from the title photo looks like. There is only space for a max of 2 tripods and you are standing near the edge.

As always, this feature will only be helpful if as much people as possible will participate and add their photo from behind the scenes, making it easier for everyone else in the future to visit various places. Thank you very much in advance!

There is only space for max. 2 cars. You can't park on the street itself, because the narrow curves are the only places where you could pass other cars.

There is only space for max. 2 cars. You can't park on the street itself, because the narrow curves are the only places where you could pass other cars.

If somebody comes from the front, you will have to drive backwards to curves like this.

If somebody comes from the front, you will have to drive backwards to curves like this.

There is one more thing

I always wanted to say this famous sentence of Steve Jobs, because I love when something new even gets better by an additional surprise. Adding photos of the spot are definitely a really nice improvement, but wouldn’t it be better if you could not only see the tripod standing at a spot, but viewing the whole scene from this perspective?

Well, that’s why we teamed up with Ricoh and used their Theta S camera to integrate 360 degree photos into our new feature, making it possible to see the whole area, instead of just a tiny frame. We hope, that you are as excited as we are, because this will make planing your next photo tours around the world even easier.

You can already try the 360 degree view at this spot on the "Oelberg" in the beautiful "Siebengebirge".

The Theta S by Ricoh gives us the ability to capture the whole scene around us with only one shot, which will be stitched automatically to a full "equirectangular" image.

The Theta S by Ricoh gives us the ability to capture the whole scene around us with only one shot, which will be stitched automatically to a full "equirectangular" image.

How you can add photos

If you click on the „Add photo“-button just beside the „Bookmark“-button in every spot, there are two options now to add a photo:

  1. Final photo
    This option is equal to the old „Add photo“-button, making it possible to upload your final shot and add it to the existing spot
  2. From „Behind the Scenes“
This is the new feature, where you can upload photos taken with your smartphone or even 360 degree photos, as long as they will provide some value about the spot itself to future visitors. If you upload your 360 degree image from a spot as a „Behind the Scenes“-image, the platform will automatically recognize the format and display it accordingly.

Do you like the new „Behind the Scenes“-feature or is there anything we could improve? I would love to hear from you in the comments below!

Comments (8)

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Holger Pleus
Holger Pleus 02.07.2017
I tried to add a panorama to my spot "Way to Dolský Mlýn" but it was not recognized as a panorama. I took the panorama the old fashioned way, using a "Panosaurus" and stitching afterwards. What went wrong? Is there a special file suffix or anything similar? Btw.: Great new feature. I appreciate that very much.
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 02.07.2017
Hey Holger, thanks for trying it out! Usually when you use any kind of software to create such a file, there is something called xmpData inside the Jpg. Facebook is using the same approach to recognize files as a 360 degree image, because the 2:1 ratio isn't enough, because that could be a normal image too. I will have a look into this later, so that you will be able to mark it as 360 degree. I will also try the 360 software for Android, to see how this file looks like. Thank you for your feedback, this helps so much!
Andreas Brett
Andreas Brett 02.07.2017
Very good feature! Will be glad to capture some 360° images for future photo spots with my Insta360. Keep on improving Locationscout, Manuel. This platform has become so useful to me in the last year(s). Very grateful for your and your team's efforts and work.
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 02.07.2017
Thank you so much dear Andreas, I am already curious about your 360 images! :)
Frank 02.07.2017
Sounds great! Is there a way to edit existing spots with the new feature? I showed e. g. "behind the scene" and "final photo" already here:
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 02.07.2017
In general, I would suggest to delete the photo and add it afterwards to the "Behind the Scenes" images, because the images at the top of a spot were never meant to show photos like that. ;-) Thanks for your feedback Frank by the way. Really appreciate that!
Christian Lorenz
Christian Lorenz 02.07.2017
Great new feature, thanks :)
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 02.07.2017
Thank you for your feedback Christian, glad that you like it! :)
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