I can't believe how fast we suddenly grew into such a big community but I am super happy about every single person who gave this platform a try. Thank you!
After working for almost 8.5 years on this platform on a daily basis, I still remember how amazing it felt when the first users joined this journey back in 2014. Every new sign-up felt like a reason to party but also like a commitment for me to deliver the best possible version of this platform to meet each one's expectations. Now there are days when we are growing with up to 500 new users a day and it feels impossible to party this much. ;-)
What I still care a lot about though is to answer each mail you write individually to stay connected with you as much as I can and I am super happy about anybody who says hello via email.
Thank you for being a part of this journey and for all your support. None of this would be possible for me as a solo developer without you and I deeply appreciate it.
What's next?
Last year I became a father for the second time and with less time and sleep, I mainly focussed on improving and extending already existing parts of the platform that I could work on in smaller projects. The huge redesign of the iOS and Android App got a bit out of hand and was much more extensive than planned, but I wanted to finally bring the design and usability to a much higher level than before. All other updates like "Around Anywhere", the removal of all cookies and ads, new and faster image formats, and quite a few bigger redesigns were focussed on making existing parts of the platform even better. It's also the year when Mia started to support me with the content part-time and I still think she is doing an amazing job. We reached almost 20.000 manual spot content improvements and the content is getting better each day, thanks to Mia and everyone who sent us suggestions for changes.
What are your thoughts and is there anything you think I should work on next? My idea list is huge, but I think it's important to revalidate if I'm heading in the right direction or not. So thank you for any requests in the comments below or via email.
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