Australia Greens Pool and Elephant rocks
Sheltered from the waves of the Great Southern Ocean by rock boulders, Greens Pool is almost paradise. A five minute walk away is Elephant rocks - a secluded beach hidden among a group of elephant like boulders.
Travel Information
William Bay National Park includes Greens Pool and Elephant Rocks, and is accessible from the South Coast Highway approximately 14 kilometres west of Denmark.
There are two car parks, one each at Greens Pool and Elephant Rocks. Both have access via a flight of stairs.
There are two car parks, one each at Greens Pool and Elephant Rocks. Both have access via a flight of stairs.
Spot Type
Crowd Factor
Just a few people
Best Timing
Sunrise & Sunset
06:01 - 18:43
| current local time: 03:05
Photo Themes
Western Australia
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