4029 photos in 2670 spots
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Dancing clouds, Mona Vale Headland, New South Wales

Muru Giligu - Path of Light, Martin Place Station, Sydney

Muru Giligu - Path of Light, Martin Place Station, Sydney

Sydney City Scape

Sydney Opera House - Hickson Road Reserve Viewpoint

Sydney Opera House - Hickson Road Reserve Viewpoint

Shoal beach, tea gardens river, Nelson bay,

Dicky Beach

Sydneyskyline from Kirribilli

Elizabeth Quay

Adelaide Oval Sunrise

Townsville Marina

Shorncliffe Pier

Sydney Harbour View

Webb Bridge

The Pinnacles

Cooke Park Ocean pool Gerringong New South Wales

Walls of China

Island off Seal Rocks New South Wales

Dr Mary Booth Lookout Reserve overlooking Sydney City

Spiky Beach sunrise Swansea Tasmania

Robe Obelisk

Sydney Harbour Bridge

Perth City from Kings Park, Western Australia

South Curl Curl Ocean Pool Sydney

South Curl Curl Ocean Pool Sydney

Devils Marbles Conservation Reserve, NT, Australia

Top of Bluff Knoll

Bombo quarry

Flinders Street Station, Melbourne