2979 photos in 1321 spots
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Urania am Donaukanal
Urania am Donaukanal
Urania am Donaukanal
Urania am Donaukanal
Urania am Donaukanal
Museum of Natural History (Inside), Vienna
Museum of Natural History (Inside), Vienna
Aubachfall (Drone)
Aubachfall (Drone)
Aubachfall (Drone)
Argos Center - I call it Duplo house
Schloss Grafenegg
Rappottenstein castle
New Cathedral, Linz
Krummes Dach von Graz
Schloss Ort
Hohensalzburg Fortress
Inside Melk Abbey
Aggstein castle
Austrian Parliament, Vienna
Österreichische Postsparkasse
Schönbrunn, Palmenhaus
Sunrise at the Plansee
Wooden Dock at Plansee
Cabin at the Plansee
Wooden Dock in northeast corner of Plansee
Burgruine Ehrenberg
Forest at the Vilsalpsee