Belgium Decayed Trains near Hombourg
Eine Sammlung von verfallenden Waggons und Zugmaschinen, die auf ihre Restauration warten und an einem Wanderweg gelegen sind.
A collection of dilapidated wagons and tractors awaiting restoration, located along a walking trail.
A collection of dilapidated wagons and tractors awaiting restoration, located along a walking trail.
Photography Tips
Idealerweise vermeidet man es, aufgrund der Beschaffenheit der Waggons, in eben jene hineinzuklettern und belässt es bei Aussenaufnahmen. Ein Weitwinkel, wie auch ein Stativ, kann vor Ort nur von Vorteil sein.
Ideally, due to the nature of the wagons, you should avoid climbing into them and stick to taking pictures from the outside. A wide angle, as well as a tripod, can only be an advantage on location.
Ideally, due to the nature of the wagons, you should avoid climbing into them and stick to taking pictures from the outside. A wide angle, as well as a tripod, can only be an advantage on location.
Travel Information
Parken ist direkt an der Rue de la Station möglich, nur sollte man nicht unbedingt in den Abendstunden vorbeischauen, da dann das Restaurant, welches sich in der ehemaligen Bahnstation befindet, seine Kundschaft empfängt.
In der Regel, wird man von einer sehr freundlichen Katze begrüßt und sollte vielleicht ein kleines Leckerchen für sie mitbringen ;-)
Parking is possible directly on Rue de la Station, but you shouldn't necessarily visit in the evening hours, as the restaurant, which is located in the former railway station, receives its customers then.
You are usually greeted by a very friendly cat and should perhaps bring a little treat for it ;-)
In der Regel, wird man von einer sehr freundlichen Katze begrüßt und sollte vielleicht ein kleines Leckerchen für sie mitbringen ;-)
Parking is possible directly on Rue de la Station, but you shouldn't necessarily visit in the evening hours, as the restaurant, which is located in the former railway station, receives its customers then.
You are usually greeted by a very friendly cat and should perhaps bring a little treat for it ;-)
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