93 photos in 93 spots
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View over La Paz
The Cathedral of La Paz
Grass River at Sajama National Park
Sajama National Park
Laguna Cachi
Arbol de Piedra
Termas de Polques
Going to Laguna Hedionda
Laguna Colorada
Laguna Blanca
The Gate Of Sun in Tiwanaku
Endstation Tiwanaku
Arbol de Pietra (Stone Tree)
Salvador Dalí Desert
Arbol de Piedra (Rock tree)
Roof of Iglesia la Merced
Volcan Ollage
Laguna Verde
Take the funicular to La Paz
Basilica de Nuestra Senora de Copacabana
Incahuasi island
cementerio de trenes en Uyuni
Termas de Polques
LLama en laguna colorada
Flamingos at Hedionda lagoon
Chacaltaya mountain, La Paz
Laguna Colorada
Incahuasi sunrise