2326 photos in 1186 spots
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Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia

Gastown Steam Clock

Peggy's Cove Lighthouse in Nova Scotia

Peggy's Cove Lighthouse in Nova Scotia

Point Albino Lighthouse

Château Frontenac

Chateau Frontenac

Chutes Larose

Pika’s Traverse

Pika’s Traverse

Pika’s Traverse

Vancouver downtown view from Granville square bridge

Skyline from Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver

Lake Louise, Banff

Lake Louise, Banff

Lake Louise, Banff

Lake Louise, Banff

Niagara Falls from the sky

Niagara Falls

Toronto Polson Pier

Toronto Polson Pier

Toronto Polson Pier

Toronto Polson Pier

Toronto Polson Pier

Toronto Polson Pier

Toronto Polson Pier

Toronto Polson Pier

Toronto Polson Pier

Toronto skyline

Sunrise at the Niagara Falls