2310 photos in 1182 spots
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Trinity Bay Twine Loft
Downtown Calgary from St. Patrick's Island
Downtown Calgary from St. Patrick's Island
Panmure Island Lighthouse beach Prince Edward Island
Prince Of Wales Hotel, Waterton
Albert County Museum, Hopewell Cape, New Brunswick
Secord Forest and Wildlife Area
Siwash Rock, Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada
Siwash Rock, Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada
Lighthouse Point Lighthouse, Beaver Harbour, New Brunswick
Jasper National Park
Lake Agnes
Bridge at Saint George Falls, New Brunswick
Downtown Calgary - From Centre Street Bridge
Panmure Island Lighthouse Prince Edward Island
Big Muddy Badlands
Dingwall fishing Boats Cape Breton Nova Scotia
Squamish Eagles
Botanical Beach Provincial Park
Howe’s Pass Viewpoint
Natural Bridge
Chutes de Plaisance
Peace Bridge - from Prince's Island Park, Calgary
Blue Rocks sun and sunrise, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Lower Joffre Lake
Lighthouse Park
Winnipeg Folk Festival