2326 photos in 1186 spots
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Lake Louise, Banff

Lake Louise

Emerald Lake

Pyramid Lake

Pyramid Lake Lodge

Athabasca Falls

Elk Island National Park

Elk Island National Park

Elk Island National Park

Bison Paddock Waterton National Park

Bison Paddock Waterton National Park

Red Rock Coulee

Red Rock Coulee

Red Rock Coulee

Red Rock Coulee

Lake Moraine from Rockpile Trail

Castle Mountain

Bow River, Banff

Lower Waterfowl Lake

Pyramid Island

Vermilion Lake

Three Sisters at Canmore

Emerald Lake

The Frontenac

The Devil's Falls in the Mont Tremblant National Park

The Devil's Falls in the Mont Tremblant National Park

Lac Monroe in the Mont Tremblant National Park

Lac Monroe in the Mont Tremblant National Park

Longest Covered Bridge in Hartland, New Brunswick

BIC National Park