
Lightroom Presets Azores

You need to become premium to download these files.

Azores is a high-quality preset package for Adobe Lightroom & Lightroom Classic which includes 6 different presets that work perfectly on photos that contain a lot of green colors.

The presets can be used in the Classic version of Adobe Lightroom and in the newer Adobe Lightroom for mobile phones and tablets. Contrary to other presets, these are implemented in a way that they only set the minimal required changes, leaving something like the white balance, noise reduction, or lens correction always as it is because this will vary a lot depending on your photos.

Before and After

The following photos are all One-Click-Retouches, which means that I didn't invest any time or used any other tool than simply choosing the best possible preset out of the 6 in the Azores package to show you how far you can get without doing anything. If you are willing to invest more time, then these presets can still be either a great start point or a quick preview to see which style you might want to apply while retouching the photo.

Pro tip: I love to use these presets as the very last step in my post-processing workflow on separate virtual copies that I can open in Photoshop on different layers. With this technique, you can easily choose the opacity for each effect or even use masks to limit the effect to certain areas of your photo. Learn more about this technique in my free video about the true power of Lightroom presets (9:35).

How to install presets in Lightroom?

There are basically two very easy ways. From the menu bar, choose File > Import Develop Profiles and Presets... and simple import the presets you would like to import. Alternatively you can go to the Develop-Module and click on the little + behind the Presets headline in the left sidebar and choose Import Presets.... That's it and now you can find these presets in this sidebar grouped in a folder.

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