France Abbaye de Beau Port
Die Abtei wurde um das Jahr 1200 gegründet und hatte seine seine Blüte im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert. 1750 wurde das Kloster geschlossen. Nach der Schließung begann man das Kloster zu plündern.
Heute befinden sich die Gemäuer im Besitz des Conservatoire du littoral, die sich um die Restaurierung und den Erhalt kümmern.
The abbey was founded around the year 1200 and had its heyday in the 13th and 14th centuries. In 1750 the monastery was closed. After the closure, the monastery began to be plundered.
Today, the walls are owned by the Conservatoire du littoral, which takes care of the restoration and preservation.
Heute befinden sich die Gemäuer im Besitz des Conservatoire du littoral, die sich um die Restaurierung und den Erhalt kümmern.
The abbey was founded around the year 1200 and had its heyday in the 13th and 14th centuries. In 1750 the monastery was closed. After the closure, the monastery began to be plundered.
Today, the walls are owned by the Conservatoire du littoral, which takes care of the restoration and preservation.
Photography Tips
Alte, verfallene Gebäude üben für mich vor allem in s/w einen besonderen Reitz aus.
Old, dilapidated buildings have a special charm for me, especially in black and white.
Old, dilapidated buildings have a special charm for me, especially in black and white.
Travel Information
Die D786 führt mitten durch den Ort. In der Nähe der Abtei weisen Hinweisschilder auf Parkplätze für Autos und Wohnmobile hin.
The D786 runs through the middle of the village. Signs near the abbey indicate parking for cars and campers.
The D786 runs through the middle of the village. Signs near the abbey indicate parking for cars and campers.
Spot Type
Crowd Factor
A decent amount of people
Best Timing
All timings are equally good
Sunrise & Sunset
06:53 - 19:39
| current local time: 16:51
Photo Themes
Brittany (Bretagne)
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