7462 photos in 2418 spots
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Cloister Saint-Catherine, Honfleur

Lac de Guéry

Les Tas de Pois at the headland Pointe de Pen-Hir

View on Falaise du Guern

Reformed Church Saint Paul

Modern alien in commercial gallery

Château de Saumur

Les Invalides, Paris

The Devil's Cave in Huelgoat

Musée d'Orsay and Grand Palais from Pont Royal

Illuminated railway bridge

Phare de Richard Lighthouse

Colmar old city

Quartier confluence

The bridge at Millau

Abbesses Métro Station, Paris

Japanese Bridge

Saut de la truite waterfall, Sidobre, France

Anthea theater

Castle of Montpoupon

Sunset on Cher river

The road to Saint-Michel

Lorient, Church 'Notre-Dame de victoire'

Phare de Trévignon

Phare du portel


Court of Appeal

L'Oeil du Panda - viewpoint

Ecluses de Fonseranes

Early Winter