7462 photos in 2418 spots
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Submarine 'Le Flore', museum in Lorient

Submarine 'Le Flore', museum in Lorient

Castle of Amboise and La Loire

Villa Belza

Puy de Dôme

Train Viaduc

Basilique Notre-Dame du Roncier of Josselin

Chambord Bridge

Berges du Rhône, Lyon

Basilique Notre-Dame du Roncier of Josselin


Mont Saint-Michel sunset

Mont Saint-Michel sunset

Mont Saint-Michel sunset

Mont Saint-Michel sunset

Château Chambord

Château Chambord

View on the Puy de Dôme

Paris City view from Eiffel tower

Beach Sailing

Beach Sailing

Villers-sur-Mer - Saint-Martin church

Najac Castle

Carolles, the beach



La Bastille

Montagne de la lance

Malouinière de la Ville-Bague

Malouinière de la Ville-Bague