7350 photos in 2401 spots
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Saint-Aubin du Cormier (views from the pound)
Carolles, the beach
Carolles, the beach
Carolles, the beach
Château du Clos Lucé
Château du Clos Lucé
Parc de la tête d'or, Lyon
Gatteville Lighthouse (Phare de Gatteville), Normandy
House with lavender
Rennes, the riverside...
Rennes, the riverside...
Rennes, the riverside...
Cimetière de bateaux/ Ship cemetery
Cimetière de bateaux/ Ship cemetery
Cimetière de bateaux/ Ship cemetery
Basilique Notre-Dame du Roncier of Josselin
Béziers - Cathédrale Saint Nazaire
Basilique Notre-Dame du Roncier of Josselin
Granville, entry of the old town
Granville, entry of the old town
Port et cale de Mordreuc
Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower
Saint-Malo, Le Sillon
Saint-Malo, Le Sillon
Saint-Malo, Le Sillon
Valras Plage
Castle of Aulteribe
Castle of Aulteribe
Castle of Aulteribe