7462 photos in 2418 spots
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From Château de Chenonceau

Château de la Hunaudaye

Château de la Hunaudaye

Domfront En Poiraire

Old houses of Quimper

Old houses of Quimper

Old houses of Quimper

Old houses of Quimper

Saint-Julien and Notre-Dame church of Châteauneuf-du-Faou


Hôtel de Ville Reims

Rennes - Quay Saint-Syr

Virage de l'ours viewpoint

Chàteu de Caen

Ship cemetery of Quelmer

Ship cemetery of Quelmer

Old town of Tréguier

Old town of Tréguier

Old town of Tréguier

Old town of Tréguier

Old town of Tréguier

Ship cemetery of Quelmer

Castle of Hac

Castle of Hac

Hédé 11 locks

Eiffel Tower from Parc du Champs de Mars

Castle of Josselin from l'Oust


