7367 photos in 2406 spots
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Rennes on La Vilaine
Centre Pompidou / Beaubourg
The vilaine in Rennes from the bridge of Britanny
Latona's Pool and Parterre fountain
Appolo Fountain
Appolo Fountain
Appolo Fountain
Eiffel Tower from Trocadero, Paris
Crossing Tower, Strasbourg Cathedral
Crossing Tower, Strasbourg Cathedral
Crossing Tower, Strasbourg Cathedral
Crossing Tower, Strasbourg Cathedral
Crossing Tower, Strasbourg Cathedral
Crossing Tower, Strasbourg Cathedral
Crossing Tower, Strasbourg Cathedral
Paris France
Paris France
Paris France
Paris France
Paris France
Paris France
Paris France
Paris France
Paris France
Paris France
Cathedral of Amiens
Cathedral of Amiens
Cathedral of Amiens
Cathedral of Amiens