Germany Teufelsmauer Thale Harz
Großes schönes Stück der Teufelsmauer in Thale. Es gibt einen Weg direkt an der Mauer. Fotos sind von allen Seiten möglich. Geht zu jeder Tageszeit.
Large beautiful piece of the Devil's Wall in Thale. There is a path directly along the wall. Photos are possible from all sides. Go at any time of day.
Large beautiful piece of the Devil's Wall in Thale. There is a path directly along the wall. Photos are possible from all sides. Go at any time of day.
Photography Tips
Weitwinkel macht hier sicher Sinn aber auch Detailaufnahmen von den schönen Strukturen der Felsen sind toll. Einen Film / Fotowalk findet Ihr auf meinem Youtube Kanal.
Link findet Ihr in meinem Profil.
Schöne Weitsicht.
Wide angle certainly makes sense here, but detailed shots of the beautiful structures of the rocks are also great. You can find a film / photowalk on my Youtube channel.
You can find the link in my profile.
Beautiful wide view.
Link findet Ihr in meinem Profil.
Schöne Weitsicht.
Wide angle certainly makes sense here, but detailed shots of the beautiful structures of the rocks are also great. You can find a film / photowalk on my Youtube channel.
You can find the link in my profile.
Beautiful wide view.
Travel Information
Parken ist unterhalb der Mauer möglich ( Kostenfrei ). Kleiner Marsch bergauf ( 5 Min.) und Ihr seit an der Mauer.
Parking is possible below the wall (free of charge). A short walk uphill (5 min.) and you are at the wall.
Parking is possible below the wall (free of charge). A short walk uphill (5 min.) and you are at the wall.
Spot Type
Crowd Factor
Just a few people
Best Timing
All timings are equally good
Sunrise & Sunset
05:57 - 18:44
| current local time: 07:22
Photo Themes
rock formation
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