Germany Alte Kanalüberführung
German: Die Kanalüberführung bei Münster-Gelmer ist ein bedeutendes Industriedenkmal aus dem ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert. Es ermöglichte die Überführung der „Alten Fahrt“ des Dortmund-Ems-Kanals über die Ems in unmittelbarer Nähe von Gelmer. Aufgrund der Gebietsreform in Nordrhein-Westfalen zum 1. Januar 1975 befindet sich das Bauwerk seitdem zu einem Teil auf dem Gebiet der Stadt Münster, zum anderen Teil auf dem der Stadt Greven, da nun Stadtgrenze in diesem Bereich der Flusslauf ist.
English: The canal overpass near Münster-Gelmer is an important industrial monument from the late 19th century. It made possible the crossing of the "Alte Fahrt" of the Dortmund-Ems Canal over the Ems in the immediate vicinity of Gelmer. Due to the territorial reform in North Rhine-Westphalia on 1 January 1975, the structure has since been located partly on the territory of the city of Münster and partly on that of the town of Greven, as the city boundary in this area is now the river course.
English: The canal overpass near Münster-Gelmer is an important industrial monument from the late 19th century. It made possible the crossing of the "Alte Fahrt" of the Dortmund-Ems Canal over the Ems in the immediate vicinity of Gelmer. Due to the territorial reform in North Rhine-Westphalia on 1 January 1975, the structure has since been located partly on the territory of the city of Münster and partly on that of the town of Greven, as the city boundary in this area is now the river course.
Travel Information
German: Man kann mit den Auto bis Gelmer Fahren, die Kanalüberführung ist nur zu Fuß oder mit dem Rad zu erreichen.
English: You can drive to Gelmer by car, but the canal overpass can only be reached on foot or by bike.
English: You can drive to Gelmer by car, but the canal overpass can only be reached on foot or by bike.
Spot Type
Crowd Factor
A decent amount of people
Best Timing
Sunrise & Sunset
07:01 - 20:04
| current local time: 00:22
Photo Themes
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