Best view of Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
Best view of Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
Best view of Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
Best view of Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
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Germany Best view of Neuschwanstein Castle

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A rarely photographed, but beautiful view of Neuschwanstein Castle. It is quite a challenge to get there, since you have to climb a steep and dangerous mountainside. It is great fun to be up here all alone and watching the masses of tourists cramping on the Mary's bridge.
There is another, slightly lower vantage point - see "Best view of Neuschwanstein Castle II".

Photography Tips

You should get along with a standard 24-70 mm lens.
If you want to photograph the sunset keep in mind that you will have to take the descent in the dark, which is very dangerous.

Travel Information

You can park your car for free at the side of the street at (47.567986 10.744342).
Then you have to take a short walk of approximately 15 minutes to the Pöllat gorge. From the Pöllat Gorge you have to climb the steep mountainside up to the viewpoint.
If you are interested in the backstory of my search for this location, please feel free to have a look at my blog:
Spot Type Outdoor
Crowd Factor Nearly no other people
Best Timing Sunrise in fall
Sunrise & Sunset 05:59 - 18:43 | current local time: 10:17
Photo Themes Castle high altitude hike Landscape Mountain Mountains Tourist Attraction

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Spot Comments (23)

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Thang Vu
Thang Vu 18.10.2024 , edited
I was already at this place in an early morning in 10.2014. After 10 years I came back (17.10.2024) and wanted to take photos in sunset. The weather was perfect but unfortunately, Pöllatschlucht has been closed due the rock falls. An opening date is not yet known.
Bilderschmied 18.10.2024
I know. I have been in the area for four falls in a row, but since the gorge is still closed, we are heading to another destination this autumn.
Andreas Wo
Andreas Wo 01.03.2021
Ich persönlich finde es ja ziemlich asozial daraus Profit zu machen. Solche Leute brauchen wir hier ganz und gar nicht.
Bilderschmied 01.03.2021
Ich persönlich finde deinen Kommentar ja ziemlich asozial. Hättest du dir die Mühe gemacht meinen Bericht zu lesen (und zu verstehen), wüsstest du warum ich einerseits die genaue Location nicht einfach so ins Netz gestellt habe, und andererseits, dass der Guide schon länger nicht mehr gegen die Schutzgebühr zu erwerben ist. Gruß, Marcus
Andreas Wo
Andreas Wo 02.03.2021
Wen "schützen" Sie denn, in dem Sie für ein PDF mit ein paar Bildern, 30 oder 100 Euro verlangen? Es sollte jedem einleuchten, dass es sich hierbei einfach um Geldmacherei handelt. Anders kann man ihre Werbung zu ihrem Blogeintrag auch nicht verstehen. Einheimische und die Jungs von der Bergwacht, haben auch eine spezielle Meinung über Typen wie Sie. Aber gut, dass sie wenigstens jetzt kein (Schutz-) Geld mehr verlangen. ;)
Bilderschmied 02.03.2021
Ok, Schritt für Schritt: 1) Ich habe ewig lange nach einem Weg für diese Location gegoogelt, erfolglos. 2) Location auf eigene Faust gefunden. Da es im Netz sonst keine Hinweise gibt, Idee für, und Erstellung des Guides. 3) Aufkommende Sorge um den Platz und die Sicherheit von Nachahmern. 4) Erkenntnis, dass ich folglich den Guide nicht einfach so ins Netz stellen kann, obwohl ich mit meinen Informationen ähnlich Neuschwanstein-Begeisterten gerne die Möglichkeit geben würde, diesen tollen Platz auch einmal zu erleben - daher der Hinweis auf meinen Blog und den Guide. Viel unmissverständlicher als an diesen beiden Stellen kann ich nicht auf die Gefahren hinweisen, dabei habe ich durchaus auch an die Bergwacht gedacht. 5) Wie kann ich eine Begrenzung realisieren? Wer am liebsten ”Bitte, bitte“ sagt? Nicht umsetzbar - also über das Geld. 6) Erstaunlich viele Anfragen, also Hürde (sprich Preis) erhöhen. 7) Verstärkung meiner ohnehin vorhandenen Bedenken durch die im Blog erwähnte Rückmeldung lokaler Fotografen und letztendlich Einstellung des Guides. Zu den Fragen: 1. (Schutzgebühr): Ich habe versucht, den Ort vor übermäßigen Ansturm zu schützen. Mein Ansatz war zugegebenermaßen vielleicht etwas naiv, da ich natürlich nicht garantieren kann, dass aus der Hand gegebene Guides weitergegeben werden - man lernt dazu. 2. (Geldmacherei) Glauben Sie es, oder lassen Sie es: Weder die grundsätzliche Erhebung der Schutzgebühr noch deren Erhöhung fanden aus Gründen der Bereicherung statt - auf die paar Euro bin ich nun wahrlich nicht angewiesen. Hätten Sie eine bessere Möglichkeit gefunden, die Informationen grundsätzlich zugänglich zu machen, ohne dabei zu riskieren, dass sich zig Leute ”mal eben so“ auf den Weg machen? Bin gespannt auf ihren Lösungsvorschlag ... Ich habe hier auf Locationscout auch Tipps zu Rothenburg veröffentlicht, und auf meiner Website gibt es noch mehr entsprechende Hilfestellungen zu Locations, Nachbearbeitung etc. - trotz des damit verbundenen Aufwands natürlich völlig kostenfrei. Von daher bin ich schon ziemlich verägert über ihre Anschuldigungen in Bezug auf die Geldmacherei. Um weitere Missverständnisse zu vermeiden, werde ich aber zeitnah sowohl den Blogeintrag, als auch die Beschreibung auf Locationscout entsprechend anpassen. Ihnen trotzdem einen schönen Tag! Gruß, Marcus
horst günther
horst günther 16.09.2020
Update for Parking: there is no free parking at the street anymore (09/2020) - i recommend parking at tegelbergbahn - please be aware, that this hike is really difficult - really good hiking shoes is a must - it might be helpful to have gloves with you - thanks to Marcus for the help
Xavier 18.09.2020
Hey, Nice shot, do you have the description of the trail in a blog or else ? thx =)
Bilderschmied 18.09.2020
See all information about the trail in the linked blog entry of my website. Glad you like my image! Have a great weekend, Xavier ...
Xavier 21.09.2020
Thank you for the feedback, I actually read your blog which was very interesting but I am staying on my end because of course, there is no description of the hike (just that it is a very hard trail and difficult to find without your guide). I personally find that paying 100 euros for more information is overpriced. (I also shared several unknown points on my locationscout account without ever charging for the details to get to the point - look at my page), this is the principle of this Website no ??? so I will find the details on my own. In any case, thank you for sharing this beautiful spot.
Bilderschmied 21.09.2020
Thanks for your reply, Xavier. You are right - 100 Euro is way overpriced. But since you have read my blog, you know why I am not describing the way to the spot here or on my website and why I went from 29 to 99 Euro. I hope you will find the spot, good luck to you!
horst günther
horst günther 21.09.2020
Hey Xavier, sorry I'm late in answering your question. I'm not happy with the situation you're in and how the communication here is. Maybe I shouldn't have post a picture from there... First I want to thank Bilderschmied for this opportunity due which I was able to get to this point. I first saw this view as a Windows10 StartUp Picture. Nevertheless I also have to say the publicity the 'viewpoint' will get (otherwise he wouldn't raise the 'Schutzgebühr') / gets from this won't be ideal. Why he published and did this - I simply don't know. What I can tell for sure - to get up there is far from easy and it shouldn't be a common place. Otherwise tourismboard or someone else have to build a path up there, but i doubt it will be possible and this will remain a high risk due to the high volume of tourists at Neuschwanstein and the rough terrain and small space. Also I have friends at 'Bergwacht' and I won't have them out there due to an unexperienced person in this terrain, with wrong equipment... Keep in mind, the quide is not from this year and there are also seasonal changes - it took me over 5min to find the entrance and I was at the right place... I don't think if you're unexperienced in this kind of terrain the guide + this viewpoint will be right for you. I might be back in autum, but i will pratice a lot before...
Rita Piche
Rita Piche 05.06.2020
Yes, I read your link, in fact it's not 4 years ago but 9 years and you can imagine the lot of research I did to find this spot before I went there, so many email asking information, looking for coordinates, trying to figure out where is it!!! loll...unfortunately now I think I'm too old to get this spot even if I would go back again! But it was a real pleasure to read you and see the way you finally FOUND THE SPOT it was a big job! Thank you, hope they would not decide to close your way.... I understand very well your concerns, a lot of people are correct but a lot aren't and my fear is that they start going at your spot without taking care of elementary safety and every other things, you understand what I mean, so from Canada Thank you very much
Bilderschmied 05.06.2020
Time flies by, Rita! ;-) Thanks for your interest and your kind comment, it is much appreciated. Regards, Marcus
Rita Piche
Rita Piche 05.06.2020
So nice! I went there four years ago trying to find this spot to take this photo by this angle but nobody could (or would?) tell me by which way I can get there! You were directly on the mountain which faces the castle isn't it? Beautiful photo tanks to share ?
Bilderschmied 05.06.2020
Hi Rita, it is indeed the mountain opposite of the castle. I don't know if you have read my linked blog post already. If you do it you will see that I had similar difficulties to find this location, but finally found it after a lot of research and a failed try in 2018. Have a nice weekend!
Lara Iris
Lara Iris 01.06.2020
Thank you a lot! When I was in this castle I was looking for this place and this viewpoint but I didn't find it. So, now I hope next time I'll be more lucky, thanks to your info
Bilderschmied 01.06.2020 , edited
I am glad my information is useful for you, dear Lara! Have a great week ahead!
Peter Luxem
Peter Luxem 22.05.2020
Nice blog you have.. Loved reading it, I'm not sure I ever want to hike this to get a picture though
Bilderschmied 22.05.2020
Thanks for your compliment in relation to my blog, I really appreciate that. If you know the way up, the hike is ok, you just need to be careful. The hardest thing is to find the proper route. Have a great weekend ahead, Peter! Best regards, Marcus
Alona Azaria
Alona Azaria 20.05.2020
That is definitely the most beautiful facade I have seen so far but reading your description I doubt whether I'd be brave enough to venture the climb without a guide. Should you go up again, please snap some shots of the tracks and add them to the description by editing your post as google maps does not show much of tracks there. Anyway many thanks for your sharing and well done to your wonderful blog!
Bilderschmied 21.05.2020 , edited
Hi Alona, since you seem to have read my blog you know why I am not going to make the route available publicly on Locationscout. I really hope you understand my concerns ..? Thanks for your nice compliment in relation to my blog, I am really glad you like it. All the best to you, Alona! Marcus
Alona Azaria
Alona Azaria 21.05.2020
Thanks a lot for the quick response and I fully and completely understand you! keep up the excellent work!

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Thank you Bilderschmied for creating this photo spot in Germany and horst günther, minh ng, Manuel Becker, Yvonne Becker for improving it with additional photos or content.
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