19.320 photos in 7219 spots
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Church St. Sebastian, Ramsau, Berchtesgaden

Chilehaus, Hamburg

Moritzburg Castle, Saxony

Octagonal Palace, Berlin

Osthafenbrücke, Frankfurt am Main

Elbphilharmonie Indoor, Hamburg

Old Bridge, Heidelberg

Kappl Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity (Upper Palatinate)

Sellin Pier View from above

May-Eyth-See, Stuttgart

Tree alley near Bruchhausen, Siebengebirge

Castle and Monastery Oybin

St. Coloman Church- Schwangau, Bavaria

Streetcar at Kennedy Bridge, Bonn

Bamberg Historic Town Hall

Luginsland Black Forest

Bergedorf, Hamburg

Krematorium, Berlin


Alte Oberpostdirektion, Hamburg

Elbe Sandstone Mountains from Gleitmannshorn

The three cabins at Kochelsee

Kochelsee from Anlegestelle Franz Marc Museum

Forest Reflection at Geroldsee, Bavaria

Rheinstetten, Karlsruhe

Komponistenquartier, Hamburg

Spark Juggler – Bassum Bovelmarkt

Cuvilliéstheater, Munich

Mossauer Höhe, Odenwald

Ostersee, Bavaria