Bruarfoss Waterfall, Iceland
Bruarfoss Waterfall, Iceland
Donovan Callaghan
Donovan Callaghan
Bruarfoss Waterfall, Iceland
Bruarfoss Waterfall, Iceland
Thomas Mahnken
Thomas Mahnken
Bruarfoss Waterfall, Iceland
Bruarfoss Waterfall, Iceland
Bruarfoss Waterfall, Iceland
Bruarfoss Waterfall, Iceland
Alexandre Vidigal
Alexandre Vidigal
Bruarfoss Waterfall, Iceland
Bruarfoss Waterfall, Iceland
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Iceland Bruarfoss Waterfall

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Bright blue water with many small falls over black rocks. Beautifully tucked away in between some trees and bushes. There were a few people there but not many.

Photography Tips

The bridge is probably the best viewpoint, but you can also go down to the river on both sides of the fall to find a good angle you like.
If you want to take a long exposure on the bridge, make sure you let people know not to walk on the bridge since it's a little bouncy and it will ruin your image.

Travel Information

Parking must now be done on the main road (dedicated parking area). From there, it is quite a hike through some muddy areas (do not try it with your white sneakers ;) ). The hike goes along the river, where some nice rapids and white-water sections are found.

Update as of Oct. 2023:
There is another parking spot on the right side of the river. When you are coming from road 355, turn left onto the 37. After about 1km, a sign shows the direction to Bruarfoss on the right. From there, it is a 3km gravel road to the parking lot (it comes with a fee). There, you only have to hike about 500m to the waterfall.
Spot Type Outdoor
Crowd Factor Just a few people
Best Timing Sunset
Sunrise & Sunset 07:57 - 19:07 | current local time: 21:49
Photo Themes River water Waterfall waterfalls

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Spot Comments (10)

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Gary Leverett
Gary Leverett 03.10.2023
Thanks for the update! When I was there in Sept. 2021, I had to trudge through about a half mile of deep mud in the rain. Looking at photos on GoogleMaps, it appears there’s a charge for parking there but in my opinion it would be well worth it.
Gary Leverett
Gary Leverett 31.03.2022
The route to the old parking spot near Bruarfoss runs through private property and is now closed to the public. The official parking area is just off the north side of road 37 immediately after the bridge over the Brúará River. On Google Maps, it is called “Brúarfoss Waterfall Official Parking”. There is room for roughly 25 cars and there are no restrooms. The hike is mostly on a dirt path. We hiked during a light rain through an ankle deep quagmire for much of the route. From the parking lot, it is 3.5 km (2.2 miles) one-way to get to Brúarfoss.
JU. 20.02.2020
Hi Marc, definitiv einer meiner liebsten Wasserfälle auf Island. Wenn ich es richtig sehe, dann ist dein Bild vor 2017 entstanden? Durch Instagram ist da wohl ein ziemlicher Stress für die Anwohner der kleinen Siedlung entstanden und nun kann man eigentlich offiziell nicht mehr wirklich in der Nähe parken. Es gibt einen neuen Parkplatz an der Route#37, von dort aus wandert man ca 3 km oneway zum Wasserfall. Was aber auch schön ist:-). Tolles Foto!! Gruß JU
Marc Sharp
Marc Sharp 20.02.2020
Hey JU! Ja das Foto ist vor ein paar Jahren entstanden. Vielen Dank für das Update!
Ka Liu
Ka Liu 17.02.2019
Beautiful Blue!
Marc Sharp
Marc Sharp 20.02.2020
It's a real beauty :)
Kevin Keil
Kevin Keil 14.06.2016
Hammer Foto! Wurde ein Filter benutzt?
Marc Sharp
Marc Sharp 14.06.2016
Hi Kevin. Vielen Dank! Dieser Wasserfall ist so schön, da fällt es schwer ein schlechtes Foto zu machen. Ich habe hier 2 Filter verwendet: Einen Pol Filter um die Reflektionen auf dem Wasser zu verringern (damit man den Boden besser sieht) und einen 10 Stop ND für den Wasserverlauf. Wahrscheinlich hätte es ein 4er ND auch getan, aber ich hab noch keinen :) Ich hoffe ich konnte Dir weiterhelfen. Gruß MS.
Kevin Keil
Kevin Keil 14.06.2016
Vielen Dank für die ausführliche Antwort
Marc Sharp
Marc Sharp 14.06.2016
Gerne doch! :)

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Thank you Marc Sharp for creating this photo spot in Iceland and Barbara Seiberl-Stark, Gary Leverett, Michael Betz, Donovan Callaghan, Adam Chang, Derek Ryan, Gerrit Ebert, Thomas Mahnken, Alexandre Vidigal, Eric Almeida Dávila, william forbes, Armande Schock, WojWoj, Mia Pflieger, Björn Hoffmann for improving it with additional photos or content.
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