Watuparanu Beach, Indonesia
Watuparanu Beach, Indonesia
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Indonesia Watuparanu Beach

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Spot Type Outdoor
Crowd Factor Nearly no other people
Best Timing Sunrise
Sunrise & Sunset 05:58 - 18:24 | current local time: 06:54
Photo Themes Beach coastal rock formation
Locations Sumba

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Spot Comments (3)

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Holger Pleus
Holger Pleus 14.05.2019
Hi Jimmy, I am always overwhelmed by the contrasts and saturation in your photos. I'd really like to learn how you achieve that stunning look. do you think maybe you could share some of your knowledge?
Jimmy Kohar
Jimmy Kohar 15.05.2019
Sure. Just off the top of my head, OK? What you do with the RAW files is the most important thing you should get right on the first place. On a bright RAW (histogram/exposure to the right), lower down the exposure until you see contrasting shadows and light that you like. Maximizing the dynamic range, details, textures and contrast would set the base for the image before you bring it to PS. I'll always try my best to separate contrast, colors and saturation and that is the key to get a good image in post processing. Take a look at the image you're about to process, and try to visualize/decide what the end result would look like and work towards realizing that. I use luminosity mask a lot (you can use TK Panel, Lumenzia or Raya Pro) to help me separate and isolate certain tones and colors, to emphasis selective parts of the image, the focal point or the main interest of the picture. I also use a lot of dodge and burning - with colors, on my luminosity mask selection of the image. All to further -accentuate - the main elements of the image. There's a lot of tutorials that explains all this which you can buy. Check out post processing tutorials from these guys: Ryan Dyar, Enrico Fossati, Nick Page, Sean Bagsaw, Ted Gore, Elia Locardi, Jimmy Mcintyre, Alex Noriega and Max Rive.
Holger Pleus
Holger Pleus 15.05.2019
Thank you very much! I'll try to do some training with your suggestions in mind and hope my photos will benefit from that.

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Thank you Jimmy Kohar for creating this photo spot in Indonesia.
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