Montichiello, Italy
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Italy Montichiello

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Great landscape around the village Montechiello near Montepulciano.

Photography Tips

As usual: best timing for landscape photography is early morning or late afternoon. Best season for Toscana is (to my experience) early spring, but you need some time or luck ... not every day you will have best weather conditions.
Spot Type Outdoor
Crowd Factor Nearly no other people
Best Timing Sunrise in spring
Sunrise & Sunset 06:56 - 17:55 | current local time: 00:03
Photo Themes italia italy Montepulciano Toscana Tuscany

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Spot Comments (7)

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Assaf Cohen
Assaf Cohen 08.04.2019
Frank 08.04.2019
No, just other side of the valley
Assaf Cohen
Assaf Cohen 08.04.2019
Still didn't get where from? There are lots of trees abd you didn't go down the house road
Frank 08.04.2019
Sorry, photo is from 2012. Don´t remember exactly.
Assaf Cohen
Assaf Cohen 08.04.2019
Oh i see, btw what are the yellow, orange and red lines are for?
Frank 08.04.2019
The lines are automatically placed by the website. Red and yellow are direction of the sun at sunset and sunrise and orange is current position of the sun (as far as I know).
Assaf Cohen
Assaf Cohen 08.04.2019

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