7729 photos in 3225 spots
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Foro di Traiano

Patterns of Salt pans Marsala, Sicily


The coloursful town of Bosa

Lungarno, Pisa

A nice knoll in Val d'Orcia

Whale Tale statue, Messina, Sicily

Whale Tale statue, Messina, Sicily

Panoramic view on L'Isolotto

Riserva naturale della Val Rosandra - Dolina Glinščice

Chiesetta di San Giovanni in Ranui (Val di Funes)


View from Tower to Amalfi Beach

Alpe Larecchio



embankment of the piave river

Ponte San Michele

Colourful houses from Burano

Fuente de las Náyades Roma

Outside Bologna's Metropolitan Cathedral

Lenteney Cascade Waterfall, Alps

Naples Historic City Center


Monastery Neustift

Sunset view in Riomaggiore

Croda Negra and the Averau Mount from Passo Falzarego

Faro di Punta Palau, Sardinia, Sardinien

Gorizia Castle

Classic View of Polignano