7718 photos in 3228 spots
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Porto Venere seen from Palmaria

Scilla, Kalabrien

Torino from Superga

Castello Maniace inside

Tuscany Green peace

Vernazza from the hiking trail above the town

Marina di Corricella


Treja Waterfalls

Monviso from Pian della Regina, Italy

Canal Grande, Venice

September in Dolomities

in der Toskana

Hunting Building

Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso

Top of the Steps

Small port of Riomaggiore, Cinque Terre

Brenta river and Ponte Vecchio in Bassano del Grappa

Grand St. Bernhard

San Quirico d'Orcia,SI,Toscana

Volcano Stromboli letting off steam

Cascate San Vittorino

Piazza del Popolo

View over Sassa, Tuscany

Street in Florence

Passing time by the Lake

Beach of Camogli

Piazza and Duomo di Siena

Val Müstair