7725 photos in 3222 spots
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Avenue in Val d'Orcia


Vista lago dal Roseto di Nemi


Petritoli from Torre Civica

Isola San Giulio

Lago Federa

Laghi di San Giatto

San Gimignano sunrise spot

Isola Bella

Roofs of Gangi

Mount Matajur

Mount Matajur

Fonta di Trevi

Colosseum (front view), Rome

Tower of Pisa

Pisa Cathedral

Pisa Cathedral

Baptistry of Pisa

Tower of Pisa

Pisa Cathedral

Il Duomo

Spot from Rifugio Monte Agudo

Spot from Hotel Juventus

Main street San Gimignano

Torre del Mangia, Siena

Piazza dei Miracoli

Piovene Rocchette,Veneto, Italia

Croda Negra and the Averau Mount from Passo Falzarego

Crater of the island of Vulcano