1336 photos in 580 spots
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Fuji TV building, Odaiba

Miyajima prayer

Daisho-in temple

Lake Kawaguchi fall festival

Lake Kawaguchi fall festival

Tokyo Skytree

Fish shops and bar

Daisho-in temple

Fish shops and bar

The bear of fishing market

Tokyo Skytree

Shibuya Station Crossing

Tokyo Station

Daisho-in temple

Itsukushima temple and Toriii Gate aerial

Mount Fuji from Lake Shoji

Mount Fuji from Lake Shoji

Mount Fuji

Tokyo Skytree

Hiroshima dome from Orizuru tower

Hiroshima dome from Orizuru tower

Hiroshima castle angle

Hiroshima Peace memorial Park

Mount Fuji

Prada glass store

Prada glass store

Inside Tokyo International Forum

Mount Fuji

Inside Tokyo International Forum

Corner Tower and Kikyo-mon Gate