429 photos in 234 spots
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Salt Piles, Salt Pans, Marsala, Sicily
162.12 km to location

Looking west, Capo d'Orlando, Sicily
85.35 km to location

Shrine of Christ the King, Messina, Sicily
136.34 km to location

Shrine of Christ the King, Messina, Sicily
136.34 km to location

Fontana Falconieri, Messina, Sicily
136.14 km to location

City Wall Syracuse, Sicily
103.53 km to location

Fontana Senatoria, Messina, Sicily
136.4 km to location

Windmill at Salt Pans, Marsala, Sicily
161.98 km to location

Patterns of Salt pans Marsala, Sicily
162.12 km to location

Main beach, Cefalu, Sicily
63.23 km to location

Old boat Tonnara Bonagia, Sicily
159.82 km to location

The beach Cape Galava, Gioiosa ,Marea, Sicily
94.97 km to location

Looking back to the tuna factory, Scopello, Siciiy
141.79 km to location

Windmill sunset, Salt Pans, Marsala, Sicily
161.84 km to location

Through the trees, Valley of the Temples, Agrigento, Sicily
64.77 km to location

Street art, Photo stairs, Noto, Sicily
98.2 km to location

Faro di Capo San Vito lighthouse, Faro, Sicily
154.77 km to location

Castello di Cefalu, Cefalu, Sicily
62.55 km to location

Church of Saint Stephen Protomartire, Cefalu, Sicily
63.28 km to location

Sunrise old city Cefalu, Sicily
63.58 km to location

Temple of Olympian Zeus, Valley of the Temples, Agrigento
64.96 km to location

Old Tuna Fishing establishment, Scopello, Sciliy
141.85 km to location

Beach old city sunrise Cefalu, Sicily
63.44 km to location

Windmill, Salt Pans, Marsala, Sicily
162.51 km to location

The Wall Stair of the Turks, Agrigento, Sicily
74.33 km to location

Hole in the wall Valley of the Temples, Agrigento, Sicily
64.43 km to location

Lighthouse, San Giacomo, Sicily
53.82 km to location

Cefalu's Waterfront
63.49 km to location

Lighthouse, Faro di Capo d'Orlando, Sicily
84.57 km to location

Valley of the Temples, Agrigento, Sicily
65.16 km to location