84 photos in 84 spots
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Lunenburg Academy & Seat, Nova Scotia
132.53 km to location
Lunenburg Academy, Nova Scotia
132.45 km to location
Blue Rocks Fishing wharf, Nova Scotia
130.13 km to location
Fishing Village reflections, Blue Rocks, Nova Scotia
129.58 km to location
Fishing boats, red fishing sheds, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
133.24 km to location
Lunenburg across the harbour Nova Scotia
132.98 km to location
St. Margaret's Church Cemetery - Tantallon, Nova Scotia
88.61 km to location
Old Fishing boat, fishing village, Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia
100.58 km to location
Peggy's Cove fising boats and huts, Nova Scotia
100.64 km to location
Peggy's Cove fishing huts & Reflections, Nova Scotia
100.56 km to location
Peggys Cove SOI, autumn reflections Nova Scotia
99.9 km to location
Second Chain Lake, Near Halifax, Noav Scotia
75.22 km to location
The Sailor statue sunrise Halifax, Nova Scotia
69.6 km to location
HMCS Sackville sunrise wharf Halifax, Nova Scotia
69.49 km to location
Anchor Sunrise refelction, Wharf Area, Halifax, Nova Scotia
69.48 km to location
Whale Tail Sculpture, Halifax Wharf, Nova Scotia
69.49 km to location
Tall Ship Silva sunrise Halifax Harbour Nova Scotia
69.47 km to location
Drunken Lampposts Wharf area Halifax Nova Scotia
69.68 km to location
Night lights near the harbour Halifax, Nova Scotia
69.7 km to location
The Emigrant Statue Halifax, Nova Scotia
69.84 km to location
A. Murray MacKay Bridge Halifax, Nova Scotia
69.47 km to location
Entrance to the Citadel fort Halifax, Nova Scotia
69.9 km to location
Old Town Clock, Halifax, Nova Scotia
69.88 km to location
Theodore Tugboat, Halifax Nova Scotia
69.35 km to location
Mural Blue Heron wrestling with a fish, Halifax, Nova Scotia
69.63 km to location
Victoria Jubilee Fountain, Public Gardens, Nova Scotia
70.53 km to location
Halifax Public Gardens, bridge, Nova Scotia
70.42 km to location
Nova Scotia Technical College Halfax
69.98 km to location
Cap Auget Lighthouse, Arichat, Isle Madame, Nova Scotia
159.12 km to location
Cap Auget Lighthouse, Isle Madame, Arichat, Nova Scotia
159.12 km to location