827 photos in 231 spots
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Battery Park Aerial, New York City
8.66 km to location

Manhattan from the pedestrians walkway on Manhattan Bridge, New York City
7.14 km to location

Twin Towers Memorial, New York City
7.74 km to location

Battery Park
8.6 km to location

Staten Island Ferry, New York City
8.64 km to location

Grand Central Terminal
2.28 km to location

Charles A. Dana Discovery Center, Central Park, New York
3.32 km to location

The Plaza in Foliage, New York City
1.57 km to location

Brooklyn Bridge skyline from Pebble Beach, New York City
7.49 km to location

Roosevelt Bridge
1.07 km to location

Roosevelt Bridge
1.07 km to location

Charles A. Dana Discovery Center, Central Park, New York
3.32 km to location

Prospect Point - Observation Tower
494.82 km to location

Vessel in Hudson Yard, New York City
4.06 km to location

Harriman State Park, NY
54.03 km to location

Harriman State Park, NY
54.03 km to location

Lower Manhattan Skyline from the Staten Island ferry, New York City
9.46 km to location

City Hall Park, New York
7.21 km to location

Dark cloud over Wall Street, New York City
8.05 km to location

Rockefeller park aeriel
8.51 km to location

Manhattan Bridge from Washington St., New York City
7.69 km to location

Inside the Oculus Transportation Hub at the World Trade Center, New York City
7.66 km to location

Lightship Ambrose Pier 16 Sunrise New York City
7.82 km to location

Manhattan Bridge through the buildings Brooklyn
7.74 km to location

In front of the Empire State Building, New York
3.15 km to location

Times Square Hard Rock Cafe Bluehour NYC
2.66 km to location

Liberty monument
9.73 km to location

SoHo New York City
5.96 km to location

Andrew Haswell Green Park, Manhattan NY
0.89 km to location

Times Square, New York City
2.47 km to location