76 photos in 23 spots
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Wasserschöpfmühle Neustadtgödens
58.27 km to location

75.19 km to location

Jewish Cemetery
57.58 km to location

Sunset at the pond
64.54 km to location

Barn in Frisia
60.85 km to location

Wilhelmshaven Südstrand
67.77 km to location

Wilhelmshaven mole at sunrise
70.76 km to location

Old pier
75.23 km to location

Wilhelmshaven harbour
68.94 km to location

At the shore
75.23 km to location

Factory grounds
52.17 km to location

View from Kaiser-Wilhelm-Bridge
68.81 km to location

0 km to location

Jade Race
63.76 km to location

Jade Race
63.76 km to location

Wilhelmshaven harbour
68.94 km to location