506 photos in 131 spots
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Colosseum (northern view), Rome
0.96 km to location
Colosseum (inside), Rome
1.06 km to location
Panorama of Rome from St. Peter's Basilica
3.63 km to location
Castle Sant'Angelo, Rome
2.82 km to location
Pantheon, Rome
1.7 km to location
Piazza Navona
2.01 km to location
Altare della Patria
1.27 km to location
Tiber river
2.57 km to location
Colosseum from Ponte degli Annibaldi, Rome
0.9 km to location
Panorama of Rome from St. Peter's Basilica
3.63 km to location
Piazza di S. Silvestro, Roma, Italy
1.4 km to location
Piazza di S. Silvestro, Roma, Italy
1.4 km to location
Temple of Hercules Invictus, Forum Boarium
1.78 km to location
Foro Traiano, Rome
1.07 km to location
Fonta di Trevi
1.19 km to location
Colosseum (View near Arch of Titus), Rome
1.08 km to location
Forum of Caesar
1.15 km to location
Fontana della Barcaccia
1.47 km to location
Dome of Pantheon, Rome
1.7 km to location
Templo de Saturno
1.3 km to location
Arch of Constantine
1.11 km to location
Baths of Carcalla
2.08 km to location
Island of the Tiber
1.78 km to location
Deli at the Pantheon
1.71 km to location
Rome from Terazza del Pincio (Villa Borghese Park)
2.09 km to location
Basilica di San Pietro, Vatican City
3.58 km to location
Basilica di San Pietro from Ponte Umberto I
2.19 km to location
St. Peter Basilica
3.48 km to location
Dome of Pantheon, Rome
1.7 km to location
Dome of Pantheon, Rome
1.7 km to location