517 photos in 179 spots
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1.82 km to location

Laundry day in Venice
0.86 km to location

Venice view from Il Redentore over the skyline
2.51 km to location

Chiesa di San Giorgo Maggiore, Venice
1.5 km to location

Milky morning in Venetian Lagoon
1.55 km to location

Milky morning in Venetian Lagoon
1.39 km to location

Eraclea Mare (Miramare, fisherman at work)
33.48 km to location

Eraclea Mare (Miramare, fisherman at work)
33.48 km to location

View to San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice
1.58 km to location

Ponte Pasqualigo
1.47 km to location

Santa Maria della Salute
2.06 km to location

Burano church
7.11 km to location

View from Ponte dell'Accademia, Venice
2.47 km to location

Rialto Bridge
1.85 km to location

Markusplatz, Venice
1.74 km to location

Rialtobridge, Venice
1.84 km to location

Ponte Longo
2.14 km to location

Inside Teatro la Fenice, Venice
2.06 km to location

Bridge of sighs, Venice
1.5 km to location

Campo Santo Stefano, Venice
2.3 km to location

View from Ponte dell'Accademia, Venice
2.47 km to location

Punta della Dogana
1.9 km to location

Burano Houses
7.2 km to location

Venice - Zattere
2.77 km to location

View from Ponte dell'Accademia, Venice
2.47 km to location

Rialto Bridge
1.85 km to location

View to San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice
1.58 km to location

View from Ponte dell'Accademia, Venice
2.47 km to location

Markusplatz in Venice
1.57 km to location

Markusplatz, Venice
1.74 km to location