468 photos in 173 spots
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Between Kalaw and the Inlesee

Shwegugyi Temple, Old Bagan

Clover Hotel City.

Mandalay Golf Course from Mandalay Hill

Abends auf Trekkingtour in Myanmar

U-Bein Bridge

U-Bein Bridge

Shwegu Gyi Phaya

Bu Paya

Aerial view

Shwezigon Pagoda

Shwezigon Pagoda

Shwezigon Pagoda

Shwezigon Walkway

Mandalay Hill

Kuthodaw Pagoda

Kuthodaw Pagoda

Kuthodaw Pagoda

U Bein

Climbing the riverside

Moulmein, Myanmar

Abend am Inle-See

At sunset at the lake in Myanmar

Fisherman on the Inle lake

Golden Rock

Kyan Ma Ba Pagoda

Goldene Pagode

salay wooden temple

salay wooden temple

salay wooden temple