Portugal Convento de Cristo - Convent of Christ -Tomar - Portugal
O Convento de Cristo é um monumento na cidade de Tomar (freguesia de S. João Baptista), classificado pela UNESCO como Património Mundial. Foi fundado em 1160 1 pelo Grão-Mestre da Ordem dos Templários, dom Gualdim Pais, e ainda conserva memórias desses monges cavaleiros e dos herdeiros do seu cargo, a Ordem de Cristo, os quais fizeram deste edifício a sua sede. Sob Infante D. Henrique o Navegador, Mestre da ordem desde 1418, foram construídos claustros entre a Charola e a fortaleza dos Templários, mas as maiores modificações verificam-se no reinado de D. João III (1521-1557). Arquitectos como João de Castilho e Diogo de Arruda procuraram exprimir o poder da Ordem construindo a igreja e os claustros com ricos floreados manuelinos que atingiram o máximo esplendor na janela da fachada ocidental.
Trata-se de uma construção periurbana, implantada no alto de uma elevação sobranceira à planície onde se estende a cidade. Está circundado pelas muralhas do Castelo de Tomar e pela mata da cerca.
Actualmente é um espaço cultural, turístico e ainda devocional. A arquitectura partilha traços românicos, góticos, manuelinos, renascentistas, maneiristas e barrocos.
The Convent of Christ is a monument in the city of Tomar (parish of St. John the Baptist), a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was founded in 1160 by the first Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Gualdim Pais gift, and still retains memories of those knights monks and the heirs of his office, the Order of Christ, which made this building is situated. Under Prince Henry the Navigator, the order Master since 1418, cloisters were built between the Rotunda and the fortress of the Knights Templar, but the greatest changes occur at the reign of King John III (1521-1557). Architects as João de Castilho and Diogo de Arruda sought to express the power of the Order building the church and cloisters with rich Manueline flourishes that reached its height in the west facade window.
This is a peri-urban construction, located high on a hilltop elevation to the plain where the city extends. Is surrounded by the walls of the Castle of Tomar and the forest fence.
Today it is a cultural, tourist and even devotional space. The architecture shares Romanesque features, Gothic, Manueline, Renaissance, Mannerist and Baroque.
Trata-se de uma construção periurbana, implantada no alto de uma elevação sobranceira à planície onde se estende a cidade. Está circundado pelas muralhas do Castelo de Tomar e pela mata da cerca.
Actualmente é um espaço cultural, turístico e ainda devocional. A arquitectura partilha traços românicos, góticos, manuelinos, renascentistas, maneiristas e barrocos.
The Convent of Christ is a monument in the city of Tomar (parish of St. John the Baptist), a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was founded in 1160 by the first Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Gualdim Pais gift, and still retains memories of those knights monks and the heirs of his office, the Order of Christ, which made this building is situated. Under Prince Henry the Navigator, the order Master since 1418, cloisters were built between the Rotunda and the fortress of the Knights Templar, but the greatest changes occur at the reign of King John III (1521-1557). Architects as João de Castilho and Diogo de Arruda sought to express the power of the Order building the church and cloisters with rich Manueline flourishes that reached its height in the west facade window.
This is a peri-urban construction, located high on a hilltop elevation to the plain where the city extends. Is surrounded by the walls of the Castle of Tomar and the forest fence.
Today it is a cultural, tourist and even devotional space. The architecture shares Romanesque features, Gothic, Manueline, Renaissance, Mannerist and Baroque.
Photography Tips
Um tripé é sempre útil, mas necessário solicitar a sua utilização.
Bring a tripod, and ask to use it
Bring a tripod, and ask to use it
Travel Information
Carro, ou comboio até à cidade de Tomar.
Comes to town by car, or train.
Comes to town by car, or train.
Spot Type
Crowd Factor
A decent amount of people
Best Timing
All timings are equally good
Sunrise & Sunset
06:47 - 18:38
| current local time: 10:27
Photo Themes
#Christ Knights
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