1098 photos in 354 spots
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Bran Castle View

Viscri fortified church

Salt river near Lopătari

Victoria Passage

Fortress Golabac

Little Oasis (Lacul Oaşa Mică) Reservoir

Enisala Fortress

German Cemetery

Rupea Citadel View

Waterfall & Cascade

Waterfall & Cascade

Vidraru Dam

Ieud Hill Church

Cernavodă Port (Portul Cernavodă)

Church of the Immaculate Conception, Orsova

Gate of the Kiss (Poarta Sărutului), Târgu Jiu

Mehedinți Mountains Pass

Beautiful village houses

Iron Gate

Viscri fortified church

Viscri fortified church

Techirghiol Salt Lake, Eforie Sud

The Bridge of Lies

Catedrala Ortodoxă 'Sfânta Treime'

Bigar Waterfall

Bigar Waterfall

Transfagarasan Road

Bigar Waterfall

Toaca Peak, Ceahlau Mountains

Toaca Peak, Ceahlau Mountains