1098 photos in 354 spots
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Sibiu / Hermannstadt

Sipote Waterfall on the Aries River

Vaser River Valley Railway Museum

Bran Castle, Dracula's Castle

Bran Castle, Dracula's Castle

Vaser River Valley Railway Museum

Transalpina Road

Sibiu / Hermannstadt

View to the city of Vulcan and mountains

Vinta Church

Art Museum Federick & Cecilia Storck

Art Museum Federick & Cecilia Storck

Turda Gorge

Sunset Mounainview

Mociaru/ Mocearu Lake

Piatra Craiului National Park

Piatra Craiului National Park

Transfagarasan misty trees

Transfagarasan misty trees

Margareta Church

Black Eagle Palace, Oradea

Medias by night

At the Cerna River

At the Cerna River


Watch Tower

Sunset near Brasov's Fortification

Bastionul Graft

Sunset near Brasov's Fortification

Sunset near Brasov's Fortification