505 photos in 162 spots
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Lower Seletar Reservoir

Laser Show at Marina Bay

Fireworks with the Singapore Art and Science Museum

Laser Show at Marina Bay

Laser Show at Marina Bay


Monkey section, Singapore Zoo

Monkey section, Singapore Zoo

Parkview Square (aka. the Gotham Building)

Parkview Square (aka. the Gotham Building)

Marina Bay sand view from theater platform

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

Gucci Singapore

Capitol Theatre

Old Hill Police Station

Supertree Grove, Gardens by the bay

Supertree Grove, Gardens by the bay

Supertree Grove, Gardens by the bay

Supertree Grove, Gardens by the bay

Atlas Bar, Singapore

Atlas Bar, Singapore

Parkview Square (aka. the Gotham Building)

Parkview Square (aka. the Gotham Building)

Parkview Square (aka. the Gotham Building)

Parkview Square (aka. the Gotham Building)

Parkview Square (aka. the Gotham Building)

Parkview Square (aka. the Gotham Building)

Supertree Grove, Gardens by the bay

Gardens By The Bay East