Explore the best places for the photography theme
Fliegerdenkmal (Wasserkuppe)
Piazza Martiri della Libertà
Juche Tower from Kim Il Sung Square
Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, Washington DC
Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, Washington DC
Monument of Party founding
The monuement to the Killing Fields Phnom Penh
inside of Colomares Monument
Crazy Horse Monument and Mount Rushmore, from Mount Coolidge Lookout
Charles Bridge and Royal Castle, Praque
Hobart statue cruise boat sunrise Tasmania
Deutsches Nationaltheater
Titanic Memorial Lighthouse, Lower Manhattan New York
National Motor Racing Museum, Mt Panorama, Bathurst NSW
Jefferson Memorial, Washington DC
Quintin Mackinnon Monument, Te Anau, South Island
Hercules Monument, Kassel
Sunrise, Penneshaw Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
view from above the Colomares Monument
Paxton's Tower, Carmarthenshire
Monument de la Renaissance africaine Dakar, Senegal
Tour Eiffel from below, Paris
Nicolas Copernicus Monument