Explore the best places for the photography theme
Gabriels Wharf, River Thames, London
Lock experience in the Panama Canal
Kapellbridge Lucerne - from Rathaussteg
Point Walter sand bar, Dyoondalup, Perth Western Australia
Saarschleife/Saar Loop, Mettlach
Peyto lake from the Bow Summit Trail
Old Man of Storr, Isle of Skye
Pitsundsbron norra Icebreaker dock, Piteå
Tree on small island, Lake District National Park
Fortress of Königstein overlooking the Elbe
Neist Point Lighthouse, Skye
Skradinski Buk, the main waterfalls of Krka National Park
Sylvensteinstausee with the Faller-Klamm-Bridge
Brig Amity at sunrise Albany, Western Australia