Park Avenue, USA
Wayne Sula
Wayne Sula waynesula.myportfolio.…
Park Avenue, USA
Patrik www.patrikorcuttphoto.…
Park Avenue, USA
Patrik www.patrikorcuttphoto.…
Park Avenue, USA
Patrik www.patrikorcuttphoto.…
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USA Park Avenue

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The short one mile (1.6km) trail that begins at the Park Avenue Trailhead leads north where it meets Arches Scenic Drive again. Along the way, you’ll get different perspectives of the massive wall of sandstone fins, giant boulders strewn around the floor of the canyon, the cluster of monoliths called “Three Gossips”, and “The Organ”.
The vast majority of visitors just walk 100 feet from the Park Avenue trailhead to the overlook. They’re missing out on one of my favorite strolls in the park.

Photography Tips

This shot was taken from the Park Avenue viewpoint. There are many photo opportunities all along the one mile trail ending where it meets again with Arches Scenic Drive.

Travel Information

Drive 2.2 miles from the park entrance to the Park Avenue Trailhead.
Spot Type Outdoor
Crowd Factor A decent amount of people
Best Timing Sunrise in spring
Sunrise & Sunset 07:31 - 17:02 | current local time: 15:41
Photo Themes Sandstone Monolith

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Thank you Gary Leverett for creating this photo spot in USA and Wayne Sula, Patrik for improving it with additional photos or content.
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