9979 photos in 4208 spots
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Yaquina Head Lighthouse
Bagnell Dam Bald Eagles
Bagnell Dam Bald Eagles
Bagnell Dam Bald Eagles
The Cloud gate in Chicago
Naval Avaiation Museum
Naval Avaiation Museum
Naval Avaiation Museum
Naval Avaiation Museum
BOK Tower and Gardens
BOK Tower and Gardens
BOK Tower and Gardens
BOK Tower and Gardens
BOK Tower and Gardens
BOK Tower and Gardens
Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco
Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco
Ichetucnee State Park
Ichetucnee State Park
Ichetucnee State Park
Ichetucnee State Park
Ichetucnee State Park
Ichetucnee State Park
Saint Patrick‘s Cathedral
Saint Patrick‘s Cathedral
Saint Patrick‘s Cathedral
Lick Wash
Lick Wash
North Point of Eagle Lake
North Point of Eagle Lake