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Venezuela Computer center

  • Please log in or sign up for free to see the GPS coordinates & weather for this photo spot
Spot Type Outdoor
Crowd Factor A decent amount of people
Best Timing Daytime in summer
Sunrise & Sunset 06:35 - 18:38 | current local time: 03:22
Photo Themes Street Photography
Locations Los Roques NP

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Spot Comments (2)

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Mathew Browne
Mathew Browne 06.02.2017
Thanks for uploading your photos Joao but please can you also fill out the information boxes with your uploads, so the rest of us can learn about this photo, where it is taken, when the best time to get a photo is, and so on. That is the point of this website - to help each other find these locations and tell the necessary information about our spots
Joao Pinheiro
Joao Pinheiro 07.02.2017
Hi Mathew Sorry for the lack of more specific information but it is not intentional. Some of the photos were taken a few years ago and, altough I remember the geographical location quite well (which I always include), I don't, for instance, recall the exact driving directions. I always try to include the shooting info (season, time of day).

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Thank you Joao Pinheiro for creating this photo spot in Venezuela.
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