How to capture beautiful Photos without expensive gear

iPhone Landscape Mastery How to capture beautiful Photos without expensive gear

iPhone Photography School 11 episodes 73:19 min
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In this video series, we are following the amazing Clifford Pickett around the Italian Alps where he is showing how to get stunning results with a phone and how to capture beautiful mountain photos without any additional expensive gear. The video is based on an iPhone but any Android phone can use these techniques as well.

This video is part of the iPhone Landscape Mastery, which is an 8.5 hours long online course focused on phone photography, understanding compositions, and enjoying the beautiful views of the Italian Alps. Basically, any photographer or traveler can benefit from this course, especially if want to use the camera of your phone more often. The best camera is usually the one that you currently have with you and that's why this course changes the entire perspective from taking expensive heavy gear with you to traveling light and simply having fun out in the fields.

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