carlo alberto conti

My name is Carlo Alberto Conti, born in La Spezia Liguria in 1978. I have married in 2005 my beautiful wife Marika who gave me two wonderful

My name is Carlo Alberto Conti, born in La Spezia Liguria in 1978. I have married in 2005 my beautiful wife Marika who gave me two wonderful jewels, Niccolò and Federico. The breathtaking area where I live brought me to love nature since my very first years of childhood and being impressed by all its shapes.

Thanks to the growth of digital technology in 2006 I've started to photograph, mainly focusing on the ornithological sector, this hobby gradually converted into a real passion for ornithology.

This love drives me to wake me up in the middle of the night to photograph owls or keeps me waiting for hours the appearance of a small sparrow in a forest. It's right in these moments when absorbed by the silence of nature that I enjoy every single shot I make because my pleasure doesn't come from a good picture but in reminding the fulfillment of those moments of quiet and joy.

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