Churchill River, Canada
Reinhard Prinzmeier
Reinhard Prinzmeier…
Churchill River, Canada
Reinhard Prinzmeier
Reinhard Prinzmeier…
Churchill River, Canada
Reinhard Prinzmeier
Reinhard Prinzmeier…
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Canada Churchill River

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On the 520 km stretch of the Trans Labrador Highway between Happy Valley-Goose Bay and Wabush / Labrador City, there is only one town: Churchill Falls is about half way. Here the Churchill River in 32 km drops by more than 300 m. The energy of this water is converted into electricity in one of the largest underground hydroelectric power plants in the world.
About an hour's drive west from Churchill Falls an unusual bridge whose lane is a steel grate, crosses the Churchill River. A trickle flows in a much too big rocky riverbed. But it can be seen that the riverbed is at times well filled – if the power plant wants it.
Spot Type Outdoor
Crowd Factor Nearly no other people
Best Timing Daytime
Sunrise & Sunset 08:30 - 16:02 | current local time: 12:28
Photo Themes Riverbed rocks

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Thank you Reinhard Prinzmeier for creating this photo spot in Canada and Manuel Becker for improving it with additional photos or content.
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