2323 photos in 1184 spots
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En Route to Lower Bugaboo Falls
Morant’s Curve
False Creek, Vancouver BC
Marysville Waterfall Trail
Blue Water Bridge
mackenzie king bridge
Brooks Falls
Emerald Lake
Mount Brunswick, Hike Above Treeline
Takakkaw Falls, Hike
Abraham Cove Campsite, Abraham Lake
Moraine Lake, Banff
Peyto Lake Overview from Bow Summit
Moraine Lake - Banff National Park, Alberta
Humber Bay Arch Bridge, Toronto
Sawmill Valley Trail
Peyto Lake Overview from Bow Summit
Science World, Vancouver
Lakeside park,Mississauga
Niagara Falls
Moraine Lake - Banff National Park, Alberta
Sunwapta Falls from the Bridge
Meachen Creek Falls
Bow Lake - From Num-Ti-Jah Lodge
Lake Louise
Niagara Falls
Riel Esplanade
Scarborough Bluffs Park
Chesterman Beach
Mount Rundle from Vermillion Lakes